Project Location:
Area 59 at KAF, Afghanistan
U.S. DoD Intelligence Agencies
Client Needs and Requirements:
This U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) required a standby power system for critical facilities at Kandahar. The project was split into two phases, to install medium voltage prime power generation with fuel supply and distribution system, MV Electrical Distribution, Transformation, and 480v Main Distribution Panels at multiple locations on the compound.
Challenges and ISI’s Response:
The original requirement was to install multiple 15,000-gallon underground fuel tanks to provide force protective measures and ensure safety for the fuel supply. However, after weeks of excavating and installing de-waterring systems it was determined by the client and ISI that this was not a viable solution.
ISI re-filled and compacted the excavation, and presented the client an alternative solution (at no additional cost) to install concrete barriers above the above-ground fuel farm, providing horizontal blast protective measures.
The Results:
Project was completed on time and on budget, to the client’s satisfaction.
The Details:
ISI installed the following in Phase 1:
- Two 1.6MW generators 480v
- Two 2.5 MVA 480v to 13.8kV Transformers
- One S&C MW paralleling switch
- One S&C MV distribution switchgear
- One 300kVA 13.8kV to 480v Transformer
- One 150kVA 13.9kV to 480v Transformer
Phase II Installed:
- One 1.5 MVA 13.8kV to 480v transformer
- One 400a MDP, one 800a MDP
- One 1200a MDP and 8 Secondary distribution panels
- Two 15,000 gallon fuel tanks, fuel pumping and control systems
- All 13.8kV cabling was installed as direct burial cable at 4′ below finished grade and all 480v cabling was installed as direct burial 3′ below finished grade.