Project Location:

Afghanistan – All CJSOTF bases and facilities


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – Philadelphia District

Client Needs and Requirements:

The Combined Joint Special Ops Task Force – Afghanistan (CJSOTF-A) Inspection & Repair program was developed to specifically support the facilities inspection and repair missions of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan. This program operates with a similar objective as the TF POWER program, but is managed and operated specifically for CJSOTF-A.

Challenges and ISI’s Response:

One challenge faced by ISI was the very stringent security clearances required to access these special operations bases. ISI works closely with the COTR to maintain required clearances, and ensure that qualified personnel are onsite at all time.

In addition, the camps and bases in questions are constantly changing size and are often reconfigured based on rapidly shifting requirements, so the number of LHS hazards is never entirely eliminated. The utility maintenance mission is an ongoing effort that must be managed continually in order to be successful.

Finally, the logistics for moving manpower and materials between locations for continual monitoring and repairs is especially challenging in war-time conditions. ISI maintains small critical parts inventories at each location, and constantly leverages creative transportation opportunities to quickly and safely place technicians where they are needed most.

ISI established the methods and procedures used for this program in May of 2011 using lessons learned from the TF POWER and TF SAFE programs. Our in-country expertise and overall success with the TF SAFE and TF POWER programs is a valuable resource for the CJSOTF-A command, leading to a team approach in development and ongoing improvement.

The Results:

ISI is successfully performed all of the requirements of this contract, providing increased equipment performance and reliability for the Special Operations program.

The Details:

ISI deployed 20 personnel to perform a wide rance fo electrical, utility, and HVAC system inspection, repair, and maintenance services.  These personnel were organized into teams and deployed to the various camps and bases as required.  These teams completed detailed inpcetions, ranking repairs needed by priority, following the life, health and safety guidelines (LHS) provided by TF POWER.