Project Location:

Craig Joint Theater Hospital at Bagram Air Field (BAF), Afghanistan


BAF Regional Contracting Office

Client Needs and Requirements:

The Craig Joint Theater Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital widely recognized as the premier medical facility in Afghanistan, treating about 4,000 patients each month, with as many as 130 war-related injuries each day (during the peak of the war in Afghanistan).  The facility was previously maintained by another contractor that failed to properly identify and repair critical equipment failures, causing  periodic outages and great risk to personnel and troops being treated at the facility.

ISI was awarded an initial 6-month contract to repair the MV switchgear and generators that LOGCAP had neglected and/or failed to repair. A subsequent contract was added to maintain and test the said equipment on a monthly basis. ISI maintained this equipment for 3 years.

Challenges and ISI’s Response:

The first contract included a clause to bring the MV switchgear and generators back to acceptable operation. However, in the contract bidding stage the root cause of the problem was unknown.  ISI used detailed troubleshooting to determine the root causes to all the problems with the equipment after award of the contract, and expedited equipment and materials necessary to fix the equipment and successfully installed the equipment.

Another challenge involves the fact that, being a hospital, power is absolutely critical to operations and to the treatment and recovery of all patients at the facility. ISI maintained constant communication with the hospital, working closely with the administrators to carefully coordinate and schedule planned power outages for inspections and repairs to reduce the impact to operations as much as possible.

The Results:

ISI’s expertise and experienced were used to fix a problem that had existing for a long time that the previous contractor was unable to identify or correct.  During the tennor of the contrat no major issues were been reported,  and all equipment and systems at this critical facility were operating smoothly.

The Details:

ISI maintained the medium voltage switchgear and the standby power generation system for a period of 3 years.