Project Location:

Bagram Airfield (BAF), Afghanistan


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – Philadelphia District

Client Needs and Requirements:

The U.S. Department of Defense required a new satellite uplink with high bandwidth for support of combat operations.  ISI wased tasked to prepare the site including the foundations, grounding, and power and communications infrastructure to support this project.

Challenges and ISI’s Response:

This project required the installation of a 1MW microgrid with utiltiy interconnection and 1MW stand-by generator.  Additionally, the project required the installation of a 40’x40’x18″ concreate pad and considerable grounding and lightning protection infrastructure to support the required equipment. ISI’s construction team’s and technicians’ experience and knowledge helped complete the project successfully, from procurement to installation.

The Results:

The infrastructure and microgrid power were installed an in use 25 days ahead of schedule.

The Details:

ISI installed the following to meet the client’s requirements:

  • A 40’X40’X18″ concrete pad with grounding and lightning protection for 4.2M Antenna
  • A Microgrid Power System consiting of:
    • Utility prime power connection
    • one 1.5 MVA 13.8kV to 480v transformer
    • one 480v 2000A Automatic Transfer Switch
    • one 480v 1000kW Standby Generator
    • one 2000a Main Distribution Switchboard
    • six 112.5kVA 480v/120-208v transformers feeding six 400a 208v panels
    • one 480v 1200a distribution panelboard with connections to the control building for the antenna.